Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training for Kids
Do you want your child to learn Respect, Leadership, and how to defend themselves in a safe, clean, and friendly environment?
Your Child Can Now Try The Best Kid’s Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Program At The Best Kansas City BJJ School…
Call Us Right Now At (816) 471-6191 To Schedule Your Gracie Humaita Kansas City Free Trial IMMEDIATELY!
Discover How To Give Your Child A Head Start In Life
Are you doing everything you can to:
- Arm your child to succeed in life?
- Help them be the best they can be in school?
- Develop their self confidence?
- Assist them in developing their unique potential?
- Learn self-discipline?

Most parents do everything they can to teach these things to their children, but after school many parents need some help. The 2-4 hours that kids spend after school before their parents get home are some of the most important hours in a child’s life.
How is your child spending their time After School? Let’s look at this example: The average child spends 3-4 hours somewhere after school before their parents come home. A child in 1st to 7th grade spends about 200 days in school out of the year; this doesn’t even include the 8 hours a day for 2-3 months during the summer. 200 days times 3 hours is 600 hours a year a child spends doing what?
Some go to babysitters.
Some go home and play with their friends doing whatever they want.
Others get into serious trouble.
Not Our Students.

Between the 1st and 7th grade a child spends an average of 4200 hours doing basically nothing productive. This time is more valuable than you know. In 4200 hours you could graduate from college, get your Masters Degree and your Ph.D. So why wouldn’t you let your child spend this valuable time learning skills that will last a lifetime?
When our kids get out of school, their parents know that their child is being trained in real Life Skills. With our busy 21st century schedules, it’s hard to find the time and resources to really help them with these important life skills. You would think and expect that they would learn about perseverance, positive mental attitudes, self-discipline and goal setting in school, but they really don’t. Students who attend Gracie Humaita Kansas City BJJ Academy have an advantage over others because we teach them about these important life skills and how to develop them to their fullest! They learn success traits that will pay off for the rest of their lives.
If you have a 5 to 13-year-old looking for something to do after school, look no further. Gracie Humaita Kansas City Mixed Martial Arts & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program will provide your child with structured study time, lessons in Martial Arts, stranger danger, anger management, conflict resolution, 911 awareness, fire safety, and much more. In one of the finest facilities in the country, your child will learn life lessons that will assure a future of success. Wouldn’t it be nice to have your child enrolled in a program that is committed to keeping children away from drugs and gangs? Imagine the peace of mind that affords a parent.
Our kids started last December, quickly followed by my husband. We wanted our kids to train martial arts for defense and safety purposes, and also to learn self-discipline and participate on a team. I’ve been blown away at the boost in confidence and ability to focus/remain controlled at school, the friends they’ve made, and the way this place treats everyone like family! My husband has lost 40 pounds in six months.
Courtney Christensen, Happy BJJ Student

If you’re looking for a supportive, safe, and challenging environment for a child – look no further. The instructors care enough to make sure that each child is learning and putting forth maximum effort. The other parents are friendly and welcoming. After the first session, I asked my child if we were going back and the answer was emphatic: “Yes, I loved it!” This is the academy that we’ve been looking for. We drive 45 minutes each way and it is well worth it.
Derek M. Benz, Proud Father
For A Limited Time You’re Kid Can Try The Best Kid’s Jiu Jitsu In Kansas City With Our Gracie Humaita Kansas City Free-Trial!
Call (816) 471-6191 Now And Get Started!
With Our 100% Money Back GUARANTEE, You Should Have NO Worries That:
- You Won’t Get A Refund
- You Won’t Be Satisfied
- You’re Child Will Be Bullied
- Your Child Won’t Love It!
- Your Child Won’t Learn
And remember, You’ve Got A 60 Day Money Back Results Guarantee!